Monthly Archives: July 2014
Historic Inn customers raise £20,000 for New Forest conservation
An historic Hampshire inn has raised more than £20,000 for conservation work in the New Forest – and it has all been thanks to their customers.
The 250-year-old Bell Inn at Bramshaw was the first business in the New Forest to sign up to the Love the Forest conservation scheme run by the New Forest Trust.
In 2006 they started adding £1 to every booking made as a donation to the conservation and preservation of the New Forest, and in 2013 increased that donation to £2.50.
The result has seen them smash through the £20,000 mark for donations to the New Forest Trust.
Robert Crosthwaite-Eyre, whose family has owned and run the inn for generations, said they were delighted to have been able to make the donation.
“Our customers appreciate the importance of securing the future of the New Forest and since we joined the scheme we have not had a single complaint about making this little donation ,”said Robert.
“We had been collecting £1 for quite a long time and we felt it was time we increased that to £2.50 so that we could make an even bigger difference.
“The Bell Inn is a popular spot surrounded by the New Forest. Our guests only have to look out of the windows to see how important it is that we conserve and look after this very special place.”
Lovetheforest Director Julie Mottisfont said the contributions from businesses across the New Forest were vital – and it had been an amazing effort by The Bell Inn.
“To have collected £20,000 from their guests for the conservation of the New Forest is a fantastic achievement and that money will be extremely useful in funding some of the work we are doing at the New Forest Trust.”