Thank you for taking the time to make a nomination to the New Forest Diamond Jubilee Award.
Please fill in all fields, and submit to me in strictest confidence using the form below.
Should you wish to submit your nomination via post, please print our downloadable copy, and then send your completed form to:
Richard Manley,
2 Newbridge Farm Cottages,
SO40 2NW
Thanking you in anticipation.
Richard Manley
Terms & Conditions:
I hereby put forward the above person as a nominee for The New Forest Award.
I agree all decisions relating to the award will be taken by the selection panel, and their decision is final.
Unsuccessful nominations may be carried over from year to year (at the discretion of the selection panel) for a maximum for three years.
The New Forest Trust agrees to keep all nominees names and details strictly confidential.
The New Forest Trust is unable to take nominations for The New Forest Award posthumously.